Saturday, March 7, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Communication is a two way process. There is a communicator and an audience.
As an Internet Marketer, my job is help clients refine their message, identify their audience and find the best ways to spread their message to that audience.
How many messages do you receive in a day? How do you decide which messages to listen to and which ones to ignore? With all the competition for your attention, the messages that get noticed are the most creative. They are the ones that make you pause, make you laugh or connect with your emotions. Once you've received the message, you want to pass it on because it's unlike anything you've ever seen or heard before.
Join me as I share the messages that catch my attention. We'll discuss what makes them creative and effective and I'll help you make your message, whatever it is, reach more of your intended audience.


Heather in Beautiful BC said...

Hi Jen!

Do you Twitter? I'm amazed every single day at the info I learn there!

I'm HeatherinBC if you would like to follow me :)

Jen said...

Hi Heather!

I signed up for Twitter but haven't sent a single tweet! That's my next step.
Thanks for the encouragement!